By Ralph Cagle

Guide Greg with the Owczarak family Mark, Michelle and proud son Luke 2017.
The Youth and Purple Heart Hunts sponsored by our chapter and several other conservation clubs allowed five special needs youth hunters and purple heart veterans to take a trophy buck of a life time. Rich Delisle and I were invited to attend and enjoy the whole-hearted Legends Ranch hospitably provided by Robert Sergi Jr. and his gracious staff.
The kids besides the hunt also, enjoyed a fishing outing at the Lost Guide Lake and a stay at the beautiful Legends Ranch with their sponsors and family. Everything at the Legends is first class and to top things off the Legends Ranch also donates a hunt to our Chapter fundraiser every year and it is one of our most sought-after donations!
The Purple Heart hunt is special too, as it provides a gift of hunting to five veterns who earned a Purple Heart while defending our great nation! We can never forget the brave soldiers who stand between us and those who would harm our citizens. They may take a knee for their hunt pictures, but they stand proudly for our flag and country. God bless the true heroes of our nation who gave the ultimate in defense of friends and loved ones.
Our personal thanks to Robert Sergi Jr., his family and his staff for all they do to promote hunting, conservation, our youth and our purple heart veterans. They are a very warm and caring collection of people who deserve our support and respect. The Youth Hunt choice was Luke Wwczarak who had a smile that will warm your heart! The Purple Heart chapter choice was William (Will) Francis from St. Clair Shores Michigan.
You may contact the Legends Ranch at or call 231-745-8000.